Profits & Passions Hangouts

Secrets To Taking More Listings While Only Working With Ideal Clients | Profits & Passions 001

By August 26, 2015 February 3rd, 2016 No Comments

Welcome to the first in a series of interviews where I go deep into systems and strategies to increase your income while working fewer hours. That’s why I call my system Profits and Passions, we first need profits which allow you to spend time pursuing your passions and build your ideal lifestyle.


In this special interview, I cover three key things:

How I work 10-20 hrs/wk working with only 4-5 clients at a time
How I attract my ideal client through my lead generation and follow-up
How I generate referrals by setting expectations and meeting with sellers – in person- over and over again through the transaction

Resources & Links:

Strategy Call – We’ll work together for 30 minutes so you leave with plan for getting what you want, a program for working your plan, and a system for tracking results.

Webinar Replay – How I Sold $300 Million in Residential Real Estate – If you implemented just 25% of what you learn on this webinar you would add $300-500k to your income.

4 Secret Steps to Success -A direct download link to my 10-page guide to success in real estate.

Here are the show notes with timestamps so you can jump to the sections that interest you:

[2:30] How I work 10-20 hrs/wk by being clear on WHO I want to work with and working with only 4-5 clients at a time
[5:00] How being clear, direct and firm attracts my ideal client
[5:40] Why postcards are my most consistent and successful lead source, mailing to 5k people twice/month driving to both a home value landing page and direct contact information, leading to over $250k in income in the last 7 months
[8:00] Why I get a better ROI on my postcards than most agents
[9:30] How I define my ideal client
[13:30] How I chose my target neighborhood for postcards
[14:45] Why I want to meet with the seller again and again – in person
[17:30] The analogy between agent and doctor- how bedside manner separates one doctor from another – same applies to real estate
[20:30] Why I’d rather work with 5 clients at a time and be personally introduced to 2-3 great referrals rather than focus only on generating new leads

If you’re interested in taking massive action to get massive results, click here to learn more about our free strategy call. I’d love to help you get clarity about what you really WANT  and who you exactly HOW to get there.

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